Friday, July 30, 2004

2 in 1 Modalmadul

Kinokuniya, wwwwwoooohhhhh soooo many boooooksesss mi preciousssssesss......bought miself 2 expensive preciouuusss booksessssss...Quentin Blake'ses n Shel Silverstein'sesssss. Aaaawww they're soooo niiiicesss..hum! kinda da same in a way. Q'Blake's has funny, simple drawing that tells a whole lot (no words gitu lohhh!). Shel Silver's has funny, simple story that goes deeply in your mind n heart after u read it. Gowsh! they're sooooooooooooooo, like, sooooooooooo preciouuuusssss mi precioussesss. Really like the Lafacadio (The Lion Who Shot Back) story, like the surprisingly meaningful ending, it leaves you thinking. Coz i thought it will be just a simple funny story, but it's more than that! GGRRRAAAAUUUGHHH!!!

Aku butuh meningkatkan Emotional Quotient ku! betul itu! mentalku sangat jelek. dan aku mudah iri. dan aku sulit memaafkan orang lain. dan aku over sensitive. dan aku tidak sebijaksana yang aku mau. sebenernya aku merasa bersalah terus-menerus, karena merusak hubunganku dengan beberapa orang dan tidak mampu memperbaikinya. dan semua itu, cuma merusak hati dan jiwaku sendiri!!!! aaarghhh....tapi aku tetap tidak mampu mengubah apapun!!!


Thursday, July 29, 2004

Fedra Monsta 2

Masih ingat Fedra kan? Monster kecil cantik, dengan senyum malu-malu dan lari yang lincah kesana-kemari, sempurna sekali untuk disayang dan digemari. Fedra kecil sangat suka makan bolu, dan tiap pagi selalu minta satu. Suatu pagi Ibu Imi lupa membeli bolu. Dan kalau kau tinggal di Desa Monsta, kau pasti akan sadar betapa sayangnya Ibu Imi pada Fedra. Itu karena bolu hanya bisa dibeli di desa manusia, yang harus ditempuh melalui semak belukar, tanjakan curam, lembah, jalan-jalan kecil, dan sungai deras. Tidak mudah untuk pergi ke sana dengan badan yang besar, berat dan penuh bulu (oleh karena itu monster jarang pergi kemana-mana. Makanya mereka pemalu).

"Bolu!" seperti biasa, kata Fedra dengan senyum cerah. Ibu Imi menjelaskan, bahwa hari ini tidak ada bolu. Karena Ibu Imi lupa, dan Ibu Imi minta maaf, dan bahwa sudah tidak mungkin lagi membeli bolu, karena saat ini di toko pasti bolu sudah habis.
"Bolu!" seperti biasa, kata Fedra. Ibu Imi kembali menjelaskan, dan kembali minta maaf.
"Bolu!!" seru Fedra. Ibu Imi menjelaskan lagi, lagi, dan lagi.
"Bolu!!!" teriak Fedra, dan lagi, dan lagi, dan lagi. Fedra belum pernah mengalami tidak mendapatkan apa yang ia mau. Ia tidak mengerti apa itu maaf, dan mengapa wajah Ibu Imi tampak tidak enak seperti habis makan bolu basi. Yang ia tahu ada yang bertambah panas dan panas dari dalam dirinya, yang membuat suaranya makin keras dan keras sekali. Membuat ia berpikir tentang hal-hal jelek dan jorok sehingga mulutnya bukan cuma teriak "Bolu!" tapi juga kata-kata lain yang sejelek pikirannya.

Benar-benar seram melihat makhluk mungil lembut yang begitu merah muda dan ungu, menyuarakan sesuatu yang sangat-sangat jelek. Kamu tahu kan, meskipun kamu tidak bisa melihatnya, suara bisa membuat kamu melihat sesuatu dalam pikiran kamu. Seperti misalnya, ada suara sebening lonceng, karena kamu melihat lonceng dalam pikiranmu ketika kamu mendengarnya.

(udah mau makan siang booooookkkkk....what a productive day at work!!!!)

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Finger crossed

dunno how to put it, seems like all i'm doing now is just to pass by.
but for positive thinking nih hmmmm this is all for challenge. Because this is what i want to do in the first place, rite?? to have a real job, to deal with all kinds of people, face the boss, and all. Thankfully, lately i kinda have that positive feeling that somehow it will all be over, i mean like, it will get "there" somewhere no matter what decisions or actions that i will choose, it will pass anyway (is this positive or passive ya? hmm).

go back to where i still really have fun it wasn't so real was it? supported by parents, or make money with unreal job, surrounded by people who dream in the cloud also (but they are so kind and fun and nice, mind you), to love where there is no love. that time i was quite happy but unhappy because i don't do something real in this world. and now i am quite unhappy and quite unhappy (when was the last time i feel happy?) because i am doing something real but missing the (real) fun. never satisfied eh?

i don't think that shrinking away (or: slipping away maybe more rite) like this is good, but this is the best i can do for now. still have positive thoughts that i can do better than this.
someday my dream becomes real, or if it doesn't,
i will find better ways to do handle that.


Laugh and smile, why have to bother
when nothing is funny?
Why nothing seems funny?

Chat and mingle, why oh why
nothing interesting to share
no secrets to bare

Flirt and giggle, to who?
guys that pose or that are a bore or
none that can be done

Laugh and smile and chat and mingle and flirt and giggle
Cry and weep and lie and curse and heartbroken and crumble
I miss first funs
I am boring
yet safe.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Pagi ini

Perutku penuh
sisa-sisa vitamin dan gizi
yang tiada berguna lagi

Perutku tambah penuh
baru saja aku isi
pastel yang ulang tahun hari ini

Perutku tidak nyaman rasanya
harus kubuang isinya bila sempat
karena tak ada lagi tempat
bila lapar datang menerpa

Lagipula bilamana
berkurang kepenuhan perutku
berkurang pula beban hidupku

Sunday, July 11, 2004


Teronggok di sudut, pasrah
Menghadapi debu, kotoran
digeser sana, sini, diam
disapa gembira, "Ha! ini dia!"
tak ada tanggapan
tak tau apakah berkeluh kesah
atau biasa aja

Karena dia lap basah
tentu wajar adanya
orang tak akan bertanya-tanya

saya kan bukan lap basah

Killing Sutra by Anita (how nice, it rhymes!)

Killing Sutra

Lalat kecil terbang kebingungan di dashboard. Tidak tahu bagaimana ceritanya bisa masuk ke sana, apalagi keluar!
Kaca mobil dibuka, tapi si lalat ketakutan memojok di kaca depan. "Yah, terserah lah...". Si lalat sembunyi malu di balik coin changer. "Ah, nggak tahan!". Si lalat terbang-terbang lagi...
Akhirnya, Kitab Suci, ultimate weapon terakhir diarahkan untuk menggaplok si lalat.
Kitab suci penyelamat jiwa manusia, akhirnya membunuh lalat... ironic


*buhuhehehehe...lucu tapi miris. seperti gambar2 ku ...(ini pernah ada yg bilang bgt, gbr2 gw lucu tapi miris)

Anak Manisss

"Tante Dina, Almi sayaaaaaaaaang banget sama adek Edra"
"Iya, tuh ada fotonya di sana"
(sambil nunjuk foto Edra di rak atas di lemari TV)
"Makanya aku mau kasih ini"
(lalu blowing kisses ke foto Edra)
"Biar terbang dan nempel ke hatinya"
"Tante Dina, tadi lihat nggak?"
"Kan ada bintang putih kecil yang tadi terbang. Warnanya teraaaaaang sekali"

Tante Dina (melting, melting, melting):
Aduuuuuuuuu manisnya, semoga tante-tantenya bisa semanis Almyra. Terutama Tante Dina, supaya bisa lebih ngerti Edra dan nggak bikin dia nangis terus.
Dan tentu saja, kalo tante2nya bisa manis-manis seperti itu, kan nggak jomblo terus kayak sekarang. (napa ujung2nya jadi ke situ lagi ya??? paiiit, pait)

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

10 things to do if i resign

1. apply to other ad agency
plus : money and funky outfits anytime you want
minus : will i still be able to stand it though??? selling some products that are stupid?? will i be able to come up with great ideas?? working like slaves??? meeting with stupid clients???(are there a lot of stupid clients?? i know not all of em are stupid...apalagi kalo produknya emang berguna gitu, biasanya orgnya lbh pinter n baik.)

2. unicef
plus : money, money, money...dunno about outfits.
minus : chances of getting accepted v. slim + transferred to dangerous zone in the middle of nowhere (although it can be a plus as the place may be v. beautiful + if there is a single guy around there could fall in love with him as result of desperation n loneliness)

3. t-shirt business with ocha
plus : may get rich. may wear cool tshirts designed by myself :P
minus : may get bankrupt, and ocha is confusing business partner.

4. t-shirt business with diana
plus : a bit more prospective than above since diana can sell.
minus : may get bankrupt, and diana is confusing business partner.

5. join noma concours children illustration competition
plus : i love doing it, may be someday can be published
minus : how am i gonna get money while doing it??? even if i win it won't get me rich
note : i am gonna do it anyway haha so this is not an option actually

6. back to JB
plus : great working environment, funky outfits, if i get to illustrate n design for kids only then i'll be doing what i love, + J.O.N.E.T<--- a.k.a beautiful, yummy view, +funniest entertainment
minus : LITTLE MONEY, ugly office (ruko di wijaya, yeeekh), if i must doing design again i'll be minder with cece+jonet, taste not really in line with cece who'll be my boss

7. apply to DDB BTL section
plus : money, funky outfits, 2d design only and no ATL, i could practice making great design
minus : could be i am too less experienced and chances of getting acceptted not v. g. if edwin works there, THAT could be a GREAT MINUS
note : this is a good options, must find out the address.

8. apply to graphic house
plus : only making design, i could learn more about design which is good (more focus)
minus : dunno about money + am i good enough?

9. apply to gramedia (donal bebek or mombi or bobo, or elex)
plus : 9 to 5 working hours, designing or illustrating for kids
minus : O GOWD! how very little money since i must go back from zero. chances to learn about design, bad! but if i get accepted at elex (multimedia for kids' ed), v.g.! could learn again flash.

10. getting married to a good guy who has good work (not necessarily rich)+ Moslem + i love + loves me back
plus : soooo many pluses, toooooo many pluses, unaccountable pluses
minus : the 'i love+loves me back' thing is the MAJOR issue here. will that EVER gonna happen???????????????
note : this is ofcourse the best of all options so far. + the hardest. please o please help me God!

10 things i hate about u

I hate the way you talk to me
and the way you cut your hair
I hate the way you drive my car
and the way you read my mind
I hate you so much it makes me sick
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right
I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me laugh
even worse when you make me cry
I hate it that you're not around
and the fact that you didn't call
But mostly I hate the way I don 't hate you
not even close, not even a little bit, not even any at all.

......nice one............
............i am crushing..................................................%$#&*................